A pocas horas de conocer los resultados de la consulta por la independencia escocesa, que se celebra hoy en Escocia, Sir Richard Branson aseguró que como un hombre de negocios está convencido de que “la gente debería tener la facultad de tomar sus propias decisiones” y en el caso de que “Escocia decida permanecer juntos, el Parlamento de Escocia recibirá un mayor poder, que sería un gran paso adelante”.
En la misma línea, el octavo hombre más rico de Reino Unido según nuestra lista de hombres más ricos del mundo, afirmó que si Escocia decide votar ‘si’ por la independencia, será “perjudicial para todo el mundo en el Reino Unido, pero sobre todo para el pueblo escocés”.
“Escocia puede tener lo mejor de todos los mundos por permanecer en el Reino Unido. Normalmente soy el Dr. Sí – por hoy sólo soy el Dr. No!” señaló en su blog.
I’m usually Dr Yes – for today only I’m Dr No! http://t.co/XCceQquFMa #IndyRef #StayTogether pic.twitter.com/f23vFkzZsA
— Richard Branson (@richardbranson) septiembre 18, 2014
El texto completo en inglés:
Scottish referendum – Let’s stay together
As the polls open for the referendum, I believe Scotland can have the best of both worlds by staying in the UK.
By voting to stay together, Scotland can gain more devolution, combined with the security, strength and prosperity of being a valued part of the UK. There are so many unknowns to independence. In an increasingly uncertain world, we are stronger facing these challenges together as one nation.
While listening to the debate about Scottish independence, I have been visiting many different Virgin companies around the world.
We have more than 100 companies that work independently, with a lot of power to make their own decisions, but remain under the Virgin umbrella. This gives them lots of freedom, while also providing the security and strength of the Virgin brand. I believe the same is true of the United Kingdom, the countries gain strength from the union.
As a businessman I have always followed the principle that small is beautiful, and believe people should be empowered to make their own decisions. However, this works most successfully from within a wider, more secure framework.
If Scotland does choose to stay together today, then the Scottish Parliament will undoubtedly receive greater power, which would be a great step forwards.
In the coming decades I believe more power should be devolved regionally, and to big cities like Manchester, London, Liverpool, Cardiff and Birmingham. Smaller teams focusing upon local issues can achieve more, provided they have the support being a part of the UK provides.
If Scotland votes yes today, I think it will be damaging for everybody in the UK, but especially for the Scottish people. Scotland can have the best of all worlds by staying in the UK. I’m usually Dr Yes – for today only I’m Dr No!